(주)모이젠 홈페이지를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.
(주)모이젠은 진단시약 개발 및 연구에 사용되는 원료 및 시약 공급을 주요 사업으로 하고 있습니다. 전세계 주요 전문회사와 전략적인 업무제휴 통하여 진단시약 제품 연구개발부터 제품생산까지 최상의 서비스를 제공해 드리고 있습니다.
MoiGen is a leading supplier of immunoassay diagnostic biological reagents, components, and clinical standard materials of exceptional quality.
Our technical staff has extensive experience specializing in diagnostic test and reagent manufacturing. Additionally, our expansive range of monoclonal antibodies and purified proteins for immunoassay development allows us to support our customers collaboratively from feasibility to manufacturing.
Our services include technical assistance, consultation, and assay development. We are committed to going above and beyond to meet the specific challenges faced by participants in the diagnostic industry. Our focus on guiding our customers every step of the way ensures that our clients receive best-in-class customer service.